Thursday, April 2, 2009


Blogs aren't a new endeavor for me. In college I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to keep a faithful blog. The thought of it always entertained me. A place I could keep my day-to-day thoughts, keep people updated, and a record to look back on to remember things I might otherwise have forgotten. Now when I look back at my college blogs I realized I didn't really 'post' I would mostly 'rant.' Everything was drama. I went to class - drama. I went to work-drama. I met a new boy -drama. I went out with the girls - drama. I lived with 3 roommates-drama. I moved to a townhouse-drama. I went to California- drama. After awhile the posts while infrequent didn't really matter - they all started to sound the same.

SO to my point (yes there is one, and yes it is coming) I'm starting anew!

I have almost reached my 2 year anniversary since my move to Colorado. (YAY!) I think my life has changed a little (in a great way) and I certainly have been faced with many new experiences. It has been a crazy ride - but I've loved it.... so I thought with all this change in myself and in my life that maybe I could give this blog thing another shot. I can't promise it will be entertaining but hopefully I can keep you updated on the ins and outs of my life out here.

So to my thought of the day... Colorado Sunrise. One of my favorite things about my new home. Any morning when you can wake up and look out your window and see the sky in an array of colors with the mountains as a backdrop is simply amazing. It continuously reminds me that each day is a new beginning. In the last couple years I've often leaned on the fact that the only easy day was yesterday. But that is also what makes this whole experience so exciting to me... that each day I am given a new beginning. How awesome is that?

Hmm. Certainly sentimental tonight aren't I? Really though - Colorado has been one of the best decisions of my life. Everyday I get to wake up to scenery I love, kiss a boy that I love, play with a puppy I love, hang out with friends that I love, and go to a job that I love (well love as much as you can really love a job). The only thing I miss is that my parents are so far away and that some of my best friends are so far away too. But thanks to phones and emails and facebook and now blogging they don't feel quite so far away. And that is pretty awesome too.