Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Me, New Us?

For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.

~T.S. Eliot

Wow, 2011! We made it. I can hardly believe we're back to New Years Resolutions. Last year my resolution was to write more and to actually keep my blog updated. If we're comparing to the infrequent posts of 2009 I think this was a success, however, I am hoping 2011 allows for even more improvement. Writing for me has always been the ultimate de-stressing tool. It is a time when I can completely shut out everything else that is going on around me and just say exactly what I am feeling. Do you remember when you were in 5th or 6th grade and your teacher would have you do "Free Writes?" You would have ten or fifteen minutes to just write whatever came to mind. You weren't allowed to go back and erase and you couldn't put the pencil down until she called time. That is sort of the approach I take to blogging. I just go for it. And sometimes when I'm finished I go back and I realize I either wrote something really great that I treasure... or I realize I just vented for 20 minutes about how I can't seem to have a good day. But either way I love blogging for a medium to express my thoughts, feelings, and attitude towards what "today" brings. And I love that I can share it with friends and family too. So here is to another year of blogging and a continuation of last years resolution. My hope is for 36 posts this year!

While we're on the subject here are the rest of my resolutions for the year:

*Pave the road to a stronger, healthier me: I will never give up the chocolate cake, glass of wine, or my favorite pasta in garlic cream sauce but I can choose a healthier path when I'm not consuming these favorites. In 2011 I want to continue to try new recipes that feature fruits and veggies, take advantage of local farmers markets, shop locally, return to my love of running (including at least one race this year), and, as always, take advantage of Colorado (hiking, snowboarding, biking, etc.)

*Stay in better contact with those I love: I suck at calling my friends. Enough said. In 2011 I hope to stop ending phone conversations with "I promise not to wait 3 months next time!"

*Be a better girlfriend/wife: First, can't believe I will be a wife by the end of this year. Can we just take a moment to say "AHHHHH." Okay, I'm better now. When Matt and I get married in August we will have been together for 4 years. Which, I realize, in the scheme of a lifetime is a drop in the bucket. However, if there is one reason why I know I can spend the rest of my life with this man it is his ability (since day one) to show up to our relationship everyday. My wish for 2011 is not to be perfect but to make the continued effort that we not only show up to our relationship each day but that we continue to learn and grow as well.

*Give back. Last, but certainly not least. I cannot be more appreciative of the blessings that I received in 2010. Because of this I think the master hope for 2011 is to spend more time giving back. A few causes I want to support this year: Jefco Action center, American Cancer Society, and St. Jude's. If you are able to give your time this year I urge you to support a charity that you love. This is truly how we will all make a difference.

I hope your resolutions stick and you have a happy and healthy 2011.

Until next time,