Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Little Moments

Today I woke up to snow. A heavy, wet, pile of snow. While my dog loved running around the backyard burrowing his head beneath the drifts looking for his beloved red ball I sort of resented it. Not watching Cooper but the idea of what snow brings. Traffic. Slow, miserable, icy, traffic. I immediately found myself in a bad mood just thinking about it (I wasn't even on the road yet!!). While getting ready I talked myself off of the ledge and told myself I was going to be optimistic about my day. I filled my travel mug full of delicious coffee (okay and like 1/3 cream because, after all, I was HAVING a bad day) and got in my car to come to work. By the time I arrived (1.5 hours and 2 country cd's later) I was much more positive (thank you caffeine and zac brown). I walked into my office, responded to work emails, and dutifully checked all of my social media sites and blogs. What killed me was apparently everyone else was having a bad day today too. I found the "glass half full" mentality slowly starting to fade as I read about everyone elses troubles and struggles. It was then that I realized I really haven't blogged in awhile. Every time I have a moment to post I don't seem to have anything to write about, at least anything worth reading. But today while reading peoples facebook posts, twitter updates, and blog entries I realized my "today" is actually pretty great. And then I almost felt bad for feeling good! How crazy is that? So I realized that I need to blog about the little moments. I need to celebrate those daily things things that may not seem very important to note because all together they are what make my life really great. From now on each post will include a "little moment" that I truly treasure.

Today's "Little Moment": The green light on the coffee maker. Green, in case you non-caffeine addicted friends don't know, means "on". It means the coffee is hot! It means you are about to receive a jolt of pure energy. In my case it means I have an amazing fiance who makes coffee for me each day. Yes, he is up before me and yes, he drinks coffee too but the feeling I get when I walk into the kitchen after he has already left for work and see that green light makes me feel as if he just left a silent "Have a good day" for me to enjoy.

So today I urge everyone to think of one of their "little moments." I guess this means I should go play with my dog in all that snow...once I get home from sitting in traffic, of course.

Until next time,