Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” –Jim Rohn

Today is my 27th birthday.

As I thought about what I wanted to say in this post I tried to think of my BEST birthday.  See, birthdays in my family were a BIG deal.  Any of my friends from childhood will tell you that I didn't just have "birthday day" I had "birthday month".  Now, this is clearly a result of my OCS (only child syndrome) but I LIVED for my birthday.  I can't help but smile as I reflect on the many parties, cakes, and memories that filled my childhood.  But BEST birthday?  I don't think I can narrow down to just one.  Certainly, every phase of my life so far has had highlights...

The Washington Dells - Noah's Ark Water Park had this GIANT wave pool.  I remember floating on tubes with my best friend and taking turns jumping off to see how long we could battle the waves.  I remember feeling like I might not make it... and then be rescued back to the safety of my tube once again.  Also, water shoes were perfectly acceptable at Noah's Ark, and I loved the squishy sound they made when you walked. 

Iowa City, Iowa.  Several amazing birthday's were spent here.  My favorite included a large pink boa, a tiara, and some of the most amazing girlfriends I could ask for.

July 19, 2007.  On this day I drove to Denver.  My little red Escort was packed to the brim.  I remember the windows down, blue skies, and music playing.  I remember thinking I was a "big kid" now.

July 19, 2010.  Somewhere between these two dates I met a wonderful man and fell in love.  On this birthday he got down on one knee and proposed to me.  I remember saying, "Are you serious?" over and over.  He tells me that he said yes, and I did to.

July 19, 2012.  I no longer have "birthday month."  In fact, this year my birthday almost snuck up on me.  Now, some may say it is because I chose to marry a man whose birthday is July 20 (hello midnight, it's no longer my birthday), but really I'm starting to think as I grow older time seems to go at warp speed.  And I guess, what I'm slowly learning to embrace, is that change is a constant with age. 

As a little girl I jumped off the safety of a tube into the waves.  I didn't stop to think about consequences or possible outcomes.  I think I was scared, but I know it was fun.

As a college student I moved away from home.  I lived on my own for the first time.  I wore pink boa's and tiaras and probably drank too much.  I think there were a lot of times I was scared, but I know it was fun.

As a young adult I moved across the country with my best friend.  I didn't have a job, I was now responsible for paying bills (please reference OCS above), and I didn't have a real plan.  I think I was scared, but I know it was fun.

As a twenty-something I met a boy, I forged a friendship, I fell in love.  I got a dog.  I got married.  I spent a lot of money I didn't have.  I got a job.  I got another job.  I got a job I really love.  I saved money for the first time in my life.  I took a lot of trips. I laughed... a lot.  I cried.  I made mistakes.  I changed.  I can confidently say I'm scared a lot of the time, but I know it is fun.

So on day 1 of 27, I choose to celebrate change and all that comes with it. I choose to celebrate life and all the blessings I've been given. I choose to move forward, embrace fear, and have fun.  And I hope you will do the same.


Until next time,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because that is what love is. Love is not breathlesness, it is not excitement, it's not the desire to mate every second of the day, not lying awake at night imagining him kissing every part of your body. No, don't blush. I'm telling you some truths. This is just being in love, which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love, itself, is what is left over, when being in love has burned away. Doesn't sound very exciting does it?... but it is."