Friday, January 29, 2010

Love Song

Yesterday I purchased the new Lady Antebellum CD (for any country music lovers I would certainly reccommend it!) This morning on the way to work I heard the song "Home is where the Heart is" and completely fell in love. Ever hear a song that you think applies to your life? This one did it for me this morning. I've subsituted some of the cities/states for those that are applicable to me, but other than that I think it's pretty much perfect.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend with those you love!

"I felt I was spinning my wheels
Before too long the road was calling
I packed everything I own
So sure that I was leaving this small town life behind for good
And not a single tear was falling
It took leaving for me to understand
Sometimes your dreams just aren't what life has planned

Mama said home is where the heart is
When I left that town
I made it all the way to Denver
And that's where my heart found
Exactly where I'm supposed to be
It didn't take much time

That's when I saw the brightest pair of
Deep blue eyes walking straight into my life
And every night we talked till it became so clear
And I could feel those dreams inside shifting gears
Cause love brought me here

And I'm standing in my veil about to say I do
As mama smiles with tear drops in her eyes
And then I realize there's something mama always knew
Love is what I really left to find

Mama said home is where the heart is
When I left that town
I made it all the way to Denver
And that's where my heart found
Exactly where I'm supposed to be
It didn't take much time."

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Target Gold

Target Journey #1326

There is something in the air at Target. As soon as you walk through those Automatic Doors, grab your cart, and pass the Starbucks (if you can actually pass it without succumbing to a skinny cinnamon dolce latte) you know you are home. Target encourages impulse buying (in my case anyway). I can't seem to walk by any classically decorated endcap without grabbing said item and putting it into my cart. "It's only $2.99" I think to myself as I throw another bag of peanut butter cups into my cart, "AND they are heart shaped for Valentines Day!" (totally legitimate argument in my mind). I keep walking through the store reminding myself that I am Only. Here. For. Q-tips. I get to the health and beauty section and see that there is now 45 different kinds of Q-tips to pick from. How will I ever choose? Well I do, its a value pack, because everyone needs 250 Q-tips, this pack will last me until June. Okay to the checkout...

But wait somehow my cart finds itself into the clothing section. Well I obviously need that scarf, it's only $5.00. How can anyone resist? So many colors...maybe I'll just get two. Or three. That purple one will look really good with that new shirt I just bought. Yes, I definitely need the purple one. OH and the cream color. That will look good over that one pink sundress. Yes, throw that in the cart too.

Ok. I must leave now. My lunch is almost over. Oh Edward! (No, not a person I've ran into) the last Twilight Book! (My cart has now found its way into the Electronics Department). I'm going on vacation next week...I might as well go ahead and buy it... Does it come in paperback? All I see is Hardcover...oh well...It's only $6/more...

...and now here we are in the jewelery section (in my defense its right NEXT to the checkout lanes). Maybe some new earrings for my trip? Yes. For the wedding. Excellent idea. My dress is pink and my shoes are gold sandals. Have I mentioned my extreme distaste for gold jewelery? I think I own one pair of small gold hoops from like 6th grade...and besides that I am all silver. Well somehow I find myself looking at the gold earrings, and gold bracelets, and gold headbands (HEADBANDS?! Who am I?!?) Fortunately, I set the hair accessory down...but keep a firm grip on the earrings and bangles (bracelets plural) and they find themselves sitting on top of previously mentioned scarves in my cart. I walk away imagining myself decked out in all my gold accessories...and liking it?!

I make it to the checkout. (cue audience applause here).

Two last thoughts.

There is something in the air at target. It causes one to be extremely irrational and impulsive. It's dangerous.

I just spent $45.73 for a box of Q-tips. Next time I'm sending Matt.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Travels 2010

Happy Friday blog! A 3 day weekend lies ahead (Thank you MLK JR) and the weather forecast is saying sun and upper 50's (awesome). I had planned to snowboard this weekend but now am rethinking this plan as I had a vision of myself in a leg cast laying on the beach in Mexico (in 2 weeks!) and have decided I wouldn't enjoy those tan lines. So I see a lot of cleaning and laundry in my future (plus the fist use of my new vaccum cleaner!) And yes I'm far too excited about the prospect of the "pet hair" component. Also, the Vikings play on Sunday against the Cowboys to advance in the playoffs! I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. Go Vikes! Anyway, since I was thinking about Mexico (and all that warmth and sun) I thought I would share some of my travel plans for 2010 (both planned and hopeful):

1. Mexico: I only mention it once or twice a day. I head to Mexico (my first trip out of the country) on February 2! My best friend from like forever (I think we figured out we've been friends for 18 years already) has invited me as her date to her sisters wedding. I am SO excited to see Wendi get married as I have a lot of great memories with the Butler family and am glad I get to share in this one too! I think it promises to be a pretty crazy and wonderful time.

2. Lavoiefest: This is a yearly snowboarding reunion for Matt and some of his family (cousins, siblings, etc.) that usually happens in March (over Spring break time). I'm not sure if it's going to happen this year...but I always have a great time with his family and usually its full of snowboarding, music (have I mentioned his entire family seems to be musically inclined), and fun. SO this is a hopeful event for this year.

3. Uncle Jerry's 80th Birthday: Back to Iowa to celebrate the birthday of my favorite Uncle! My family is awesome. This should be a great time if everyone comes!

4. Ashley's bachelorette party/Wedding: Asheley's bachelorette party in Chicago in July and Wedding in Iowa City in August. Not only one of my favorite people these events also encompass two of my favorite places. I can't wait to see Ashley get married!

5. North Carolina/Rhode Island: Matt and I have gone up to the northeast for the last two summers and spent time in Newport, Rhode Island with his cousin. I hope we can continue the tradition this year as this part of the country is BEAUTIFUL and I feel like everytime we go I love it more and more. We defenitly need to make a trip to North Carolina this year to see Matt's family as we have not been since last year. Summer seems like the best time to visit (Matt's family lives on a lake and his sister lives by the ocean), however, the temps are always pretty balamy to me (with my Iowa roots as a comparisson).

6. Thanksgiving/Christmas: These holidays are still up for grabs. I'm thinking a Thanksgiving holidy with both of our families would pretty awesome...might have to see if we can make that happen.

Hopefully some other short trips will make the list this year. With plans of movin and schooling still up in the air a lot could change... traveling is one of my favorite things and I hope we'll be able to make 2010 a good one.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mountains in my Future?

Good Morning Blog! Another beautiful day here in Colorado. The weather has been in the upper 50's and sunny all week and the weekend promises the same. *Happy Sigh* this is why I love Colorado.

Some progress has come since my last post. Matt and I have talked a bit about moving/job change/scenery change/life change/school change in the last week and I've done a lot of thinking myself. I applied to the University of Iowa as a non-degree seeking student (to go back and finish some of those pre-pharmacy credits) and found out that I will no longer be able to apply as an in-state resident. I immediately took this as the sign I needed that Iowa is probably not in my immediate future. I've really been trying to put ideas out there for the universe (and a higher power if you believe in that sort of thing, which I do) to help me make some of these big decisions. I loved the University of Iowa and the more I think about it the more I like that Iowa City will be my first home away from home...and maybe its good that it stays that way. I will continue to always go back once a year for a football game (Go Hawks!) and any other chance I can get during trips back to Iowa to see family/friends. Iowa City will always be close to my heart but I think in the next couple years I need to continue to move forward, to experience new places and new things, and accept the challenge of a new road.

That being said, I now have a couple of NEW options to consider...

#1: Making a move to the mountains. Matt and I have often joked around about the idea of living in the mountains and finding jobs merely to pay our bills and pay our rent. Why not? I found out I can take my pre-pharm classes at Colorado Mountain College for $45 credit hour, how awesome is that? Not to mention Cooper would love all the new hiking trails and we would love the ability to get up and go snowboard anytime there was some fresh powder (without the hassle of driving from Denver! First tracks? We could ACTUALLY do that)! Plus how fun to not have to worry about being a "big kid" for a year...just the thought makes me smile.

#2: New State. Something inside me is very enticed by the idea of packing a bunch of our stuff in storage, taking what we need, and traveling to a new place. Some ideas that we've thrown around are Portland, Oregon and California. Moving more West seems ideal...although we are moving farther away from family which in my mind is the biggest negative. I think Colorado will be my forever home, however, I know I want to travel and see new places before I put down permanent roots here.

Our lease is up at our apartment in June so we still have a couple months to figure things out and make some decisions. Who knows - we might still be in Denver next year. But for now I'm open to the opportunity of a change and if it happens I intend to embrace it fully every step of the way.

Until next time.


Friday, January 8, 2010


Good Morning blog! Are you surprised? Post #2 of 2010 has officially begun. I'm a little surprised at myself even...but I guess that is what resolutions urge you to do (actually stick to them, for the first couple weeks at least). I remember in college I would go to the fitness center on campus...and I would always get SO angry in January because the "lose weight resolutions" would cause crowds in my gym and I would always have to wait for a machine. Although, I will say, it was entertainment to watch people slowly drop like flies...the gym usually got back to normal around mid-February. SO this post is dedicated to the hope of posts after February!


Today I have been thinking about my future...mostly centered on the decision to go back to school. My undergrad was spent at the University of Iowa and I loved it. My degree is a bachelor's of business and I also received a minor in studio art. I had high hopes of working in marketing but, as many things do, did not pan out like planned. I have spent the last year considering the option of going back to school and it actually makes me really excited. I am still considering my school, Masters in Health Administration, and lastly Pharmacy. I am attracted to the idea of Pharmacy school, however, would need to go back and finish up some undergraduate pre-pharmacy credits. This brings the first of many dilemas...

Dilema #1: Going back and taking undergraduate level classes as a graduate student (someone with a bachelor's degree) is considered a non-degree seeking student status. This means I can't qualify for financial aid and would have to pay for school out of pocket. Ouch.

Dilema #2: The move: I would like to continue my education at the University of Iowa and that would mean moving back to Iowa for the next few years. Not horrible sounding... until you consider I now have a boy and a dog to think about. Not understanding? Try contemplating making someone move to Iowa who grew up in balmy North Carolina...

Dilema #3: School for 4-5 more years. This is a huge commitment. Am I ready? I would finish school the May before my 30th birthday. This means putting off a lot of life decisions for the next few years. However, the income potential after school (and you know, enjoying my job) are huge pro's.

Decisions Decisions. What would you do?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Desk Drawer Ramblings

Hello blog. It's been awhile. Happy New Year. My Resolutions for the year? Eliminate some credit card debt, find a career/living location that makes me feel happy, and stick to my blog. And by stick, I mean averaging more than 1 post a year. So really, no need to make my blog one of your "favorites" until you see at least 4 of these posts go out into cyber space. Unless, you know, you like feeling let down (I'm great at bringing people back to reality). :)

SO another year. Why stick to the blog you ask? I've always liked to write. Over the course of my education I've taken many writing classes and always wish I had the wit and ability to write a novel. My favorite author as of late? Jen Lancaster. You may know her by great works such as "Bitter is the New Black" or "Bright Lights, Big Ass." If you haven't read her you should check her out. She is one of the rare authors that has me laughing out loud after nearly every page. Anyway, she has inspired me to start a notebook of short stories at work entitled: "Desk Drawer Ramblings or My Quest to write a Memoir During the 9-5". Today, to kick off 2010, I thought I would share my first entry....


A new leasing agent came in to the office today to interview for a position. Her attire far bettered my black Bermuda shorts and aged pink cardigan. The best part of her outfit? The 4 inch shiny pink (dark pink not baby girl pink) alligator scaled pumps that adorned her feet. I quickly shuffled to my office, embarrassed by my $20 DSW shoe find I was so excited about this morning.

I need to go shopping. First, new dress pants, much needed as my office is always -100 degrees even when the weather is a balmy 85 degrees outside. Second, equally important, dress shoes...beautiful, tall, leg slimming, adorable shoes. Now must find surplus in my tight budget for said purchases. Ufta... (See Danish Dictionary for adequate explanation of the many uses and definitions of "ufta")

In case you were wondering I work in Property Management. I am an Assistant Property Manager of a 372 unit property in Denver, Colorado. Basically this means I'm the property accountant. I handle all the money issues as well as resident relations issues as they arise. (I have been known to yell at people if they are stupid or make me mad. I'm flawed. It's true.) The job is stable...which is all you can ask for in today's economy. I worked in finance for a little over a year starting in the summer of 2008. I've always been great at "timing" job moves. Sure! I'll take a 100% commission job in finance right as the entire economy begins to crumble (hence previously mentioned credit card debt). Anyway, here I am now...a "time thief" (see Office episode "Business Ethics" Season 5, Episode 2), working for the weekend...Dreaming of those killer pink pumps.