Thursday, January 28, 2010

Target Gold

Target Journey #1326

There is something in the air at Target. As soon as you walk through those Automatic Doors, grab your cart, and pass the Starbucks (if you can actually pass it without succumbing to a skinny cinnamon dolce latte) you know you are home. Target encourages impulse buying (in my case anyway). I can't seem to walk by any classically decorated endcap without grabbing said item and putting it into my cart. "It's only $2.99" I think to myself as I throw another bag of peanut butter cups into my cart, "AND they are heart shaped for Valentines Day!" (totally legitimate argument in my mind). I keep walking through the store reminding myself that I am Only. Here. For. Q-tips. I get to the health and beauty section and see that there is now 45 different kinds of Q-tips to pick from. How will I ever choose? Well I do, its a value pack, because everyone needs 250 Q-tips, this pack will last me until June. Okay to the checkout...

But wait somehow my cart finds itself into the clothing section. Well I obviously need that scarf, it's only $5.00. How can anyone resist? So many colors...maybe I'll just get two. Or three. That purple one will look really good with that new shirt I just bought. Yes, I definitely need the purple one. OH and the cream color. That will look good over that one pink sundress. Yes, throw that in the cart too.

Ok. I must leave now. My lunch is almost over. Oh Edward! (No, not a person I've ran into) the last Twilight Book! (My cart has now found its way into the Electronics Department). I'm going on vacation next week...I might as well go ahead and buy it... Does it come in paperback? All I see is Hardcover...oh well...It's only $6/more...

...and now here we are in the jewelery section (in my defense its right NEXT to the checkout lanes). Maybe some new earrings for my trip? Yes. For the wedding. Excellent idea. My dress is pink and my shoes are gold sandals. Have I mentioned my extreme distaste for gold jewelery? I think I own one pair of small gold hoops from like 6th grade...and besides that I am all silver. Well somehow I find myself looking at the gold earrings, and gold bracelets, and gold headbands (HEADBANDS?! Who am I?!?) Fortunately, I set the hair accessory down...but keep a firm grip on the earrings and bangles (bracelets plural) and they find themselves sitting on top of previously mentioned scarves in my cart. I walk away imagining myself decked out in all my gold accessories...and liking it?!

I make it to the checkout. (cue audience applause here).

Two last thoughts.

There is something in the air at target. It causes one to be extremely irrational and impulsive. It's dangerous.

I just spent $45.73 for a box of Q-tips. Next time I'm sending Matt.

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