Friday, January 8, 2010


Good Morning blog! Are you surprised? Post #2 of 2010 has officially begun. I'm a little surprised at myself even...but I guess that is what resolutions urge you to do (actually stick to them, for the first couple weeks at least). I remember in college I would go to the fitness center on campus...and I would always get SO angry in January because the "lose weight resolutions" would cause crowds in my gym and I would always have to wait for a machine. Although, I will say, it was entertainment to watch people slowly drop like flies...the gym usually got back to normal around mid-February. SO this post is dedicated to the hope of posts after February!


Today I have been thinking about my future...mostly centered on the decision to go back to school. My undergrad was spent at the University of Iowa and I loved it. My degree is a bachelor's of business and I also received a minor in studio art. I had high hopes of working in marketing but, as many things do, did not pan out like planned. I have spent the last year considering the option of going back to school and it actually makes me really excited. I am still considering my school, Masters in Health Administration, and lastly Pharmacy. I am attracted to the idea of Pharmacy school, however, would need to go back and finish up some undergraduate pre-pharmacy credits. This brings the first of many dilemas...

Dilema #1: Going back and taking undergraduate level classes as a graduate student (someone with a bachelor's degree) is considered a non-degree seeking student status. This means I can't qualify for financial aid and would have to pay for school out of pocket. Ouch.

Dilema #2: The move: I would like to continue my education at the University of Iowa and that would mean moving back to Iowa for the next few years. Not horrible sounding... until you consider I now have a boy and a dog to think about. Not understanding? Try contemplating making someone move to Iowa who grew up in balmy North Carolina...

Dilema #3: School for 4-5 more years. This is a huge commitment. Am I ready? I would finish school the May before my 30th birthday. This means putting off a lot of life decisions for the next few years. However, the income potential after school (and you know, enjoying my job) are huge pro's.

Decisions Decisions. What would you do?

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