Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello from Colorado. This weekend has been rainy and cool... actually a welcomed change from the desert weather (90+ degrees and dry) we have had as of late. My flowers are certainly responding to the change...mother nature's way of ensuring they see another day. Matt and I have spent the weekend indoors, curled up on the couch, watching movies and relaxing. The rain, for some reason, makes me believe that this behavior is okay. I feel completely rested, have had time to catch up on TV shows and facebook, and now have time to post on my blog. Heaven.

Things in Colorado are always changing. Lately, I feel as if many different opportunities have been opened to me (career wise) which are positively reflecting all aspects of our lives. It's crazy to me that July will mark 3 years in Denver for me... as I feel the time has gone by in the blink of an eye. Looking back, however, there has been some really hard times in these last 3 years. I feel that every day really is a new beginning and we need to live those days as if they could be our last. I read friends posts (and look at their pictures) on facebook, blogs, etc. and am amazed that we are reaching the point in our lives that friends are engaged, married, and building families. When did we become adults? My parents came to visit Matt and I over Memorial Day. We had a wonderful time (lots of great food, Rockies game, and many nights sitting outside under the gazeebo just hanging out). The crazy thing was when my dad sent me an email after he returned home to Iowa that said, "you have a great attitude as it pertains to your work. I am very proud of you." Wow. It was one of those "light-bulb" moments where I realized I am no longer a little kid under my parents wing but a young woman on my own building my life. And my dad is proud of me? That was one of the best compliments I've ever received. I think I understand when I hear people talk about their 20's...and they talk about moving into their first house, or living paycheck to paycheck, or wondering if things were ever going to be easy. Because the last 3 years haven't always been easy, and there have been times when we've wondered how we were going to make rent, and I often wondered if there was a light at the end of the tunnel. But I always come back to the power of hard work and if you really do your best I feel you will be rewarded. It's certainly how it has worked in our lives. Every day we wake up and we push ourselves to be the best that we can be. And I am so thankful that I have found a man that supports the decisions that I choose to make. And lately I really have started to feel that things are going to work out for us. And one day we are going to look back at our early 20's and laugh and say, "Wow, we made it through that?!" I'm feeling pretty great about that.

I guess the rain is making me a little sentimental today, huh? I guess my thought for today is stop what you're doing and take a moment to breathe in the moment. Look around you at the people (or pets) who make your life special and say thank you to them for being so wonderful. And know that even if times are sometimes tough (you're normal if this is the case) that the light at the end of the tunnel is right around the corner. And shoot a quick prayer up to God, because he's made this all possible.

Until next time,

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